Spiritual Gift of Connecting in the Marketplace
The spiritual gift of connecting is the special ability to spread the awareness of God’s glory by facilitating interactions between like-minded individuals.
Those with the spiritual gift of connecting are great networkers. People with this spiritual gift are great at matching the right people with the right people and opportunities for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual Gift Recognition Statements
- “I have connected many like-minded people together.”
- “I like introducing people to each other.”
- “People have told me I am good at networking.”
Marketplace Impact
Pure Flix Entertainment is the largest Christian film production and distribution company in the world. It has produced films such as Do You Believe? and God’s Not Dead, which has earned more than $62 million.
In 2009, the founder of Pure Flix, Russell Wolfe, met Steve Fedyski, who was using his spiritual gift of connecting as the CEO of Pinnacle Forum, an organization dedicated to “building a network of leaders committed to personal and cultural transformation centered on the values of Jesus.”[i] When they met, Russell was struggling to grow his company, but Steve resonated with Russell’s passion to transform the culture for Christ through entertainment.
From that time forward, Steve began to use his spiritual gift of connecting and his influence with Pinnacle Forum to help Russell fulfill his God-given dream to produce and distribute great Christian films. At nearly all of Steve’s 100 speaking engagements each year following their initial meeting, Steve shared Russell’s dream with the audience. At each event, he gathered the contact information of anyone who was interested in helping to promote Russell’s films. This contact information was used to pack out film screenings with key influencers at key locations all over the United States.
As a result of Steve’s efforts to connect Russell with people who could help him, approximately 80 percent of the current investors in Pure Flix Entertainment are members of Pinnacle Forum, the network led by Steve.
In 2015, Steve was named the Chief Operations Officer of Pure Flix Entertainment and continues to play a lead role in the success of the company.
Biblical Insights
- John 1:45
- John 4:39-42
[i] http://pinnacleforum.com/about/#our-mission