What does marketplace ministry look like? In other words, what does serving God in a business setting look like? As Christians working in the marketplace, most […]
In a sermon I heard recently, the preacher began to list the “great Christian heroes” of the Church: Billy Graham, Billy Sunday, Kathryn Kuhlman, D.L. Moody, […]
When I once shared with a businessman that I was in seminary, studying theology in preparation for going into business, he responded without hesitation, “Does that […]
In meetings with the operators of his Chick-fil-a restaurants, CEO Dan Cathy asks these business leaders, “What are your aspirations?” Inevitably, at least one of them […]
Paul Williams is regarded as one of the foremost experts on secure network design in the U.S. today. Mr. Williams has thirty-five years of breakthrough innovation […]
Are Christians supposed to be doing business in the marketplace with natural abilities or with spiritual gifts? Should it be a combination? Should it be mostly […]
Why is business such a powerful means of making disciples of Jesus? What are some companies around the world that are using their businesses to transform […]
Based on my experience, if you ask a Bible-believing business professional to name a passage of the Bible that relates to doing business, the person will […]
Jeff Spadafora spent 20 years as a leadership and executive development consultant for Fortune 1000 companies such as Ford Motor Company, Sears & Roebuck, Compuware, Domino’s […]